ノスタルジックなクリスマス Nostalgic


These are my vintage Xmas postcards I collected in these 2 years. I love the beautiful nostalgic coloures, details..
I remember the first time I met this kind of beauty was, when my father went to Copenhagen for a business trip and he sent me a postcard. Me as a little girl back then, I kept the postcard as my treasure for a long time - it is gone now after some moving and long time, but still I remember how I loved it.
(and that was the first time I met Denmark)




It was snowing a lot today, little Gustav catched cold and we stayed inside all day long.
I saw beautiful sky in snow. And I suddenly noticed why many of the Scandinavian Xmas plates are beautiful blue coloured. It was this colour, the colour of the sky I saw.

And I found sweet idea for those blue classic Xmas plates - in "BlogLiv" magazine.

From BoligLiv

お皿のまわりに、かぎ針編みで編んだふちどりをつけたり、金色のボタン飾りをはりつけたり・・ ちょっとした、手作りの自由な工夫ですごくおしゃれに、モダンに、伝統的なものを変身させる魔法は、デンマークの人の得意とするところ。とっても可愛いアイデアだなあ、と、ひさしぶりに何か作りたくなってしまいました。

I have been always so impressed how Danish people are so good at making or turning old things into new, cool and sweet things with a little edge and twist - and so good at mixing old with new in a beautiful way. ( I grew up in Tokyo where most things were new, huge contrast or gap with old and new, often new things overruled without any thoughts, I felt..)


When I was small I always loved making picture books with lots of animals. Somehow I still cannot change inside myself, maybe. That could be why I have some children's vintage plates, with nostalgic coloures, each one is like a story book. I have collected them for my shop (to Japan), but still they are in my hands...

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