ちいさなあなた Lille Du

Lille Du リレ・デュは、デンマーク語で、ちいさなあなた、という意味の言葉です。


Lille Du リレ・デュというタイトルの歌を聴いて、その優しい響きがすきになって、そして、日常のなかの小さな幸せや、いのちに思いをよせて、日記をこの名前にしよう、と思ったのです。



写真は、モアモアの店の開店準備をしていた頃、モアモア日記を書き始めた頃の、私の "Lille Du ちいさなあなた" です。

I changed my Blog name.
"Lille du" means "Little you" in a loving way in Danish.

I know "Mormors Scandinavia" sounds a bit funny to Danish people but a word Mormor sounds so sweet to Japanese people and also there are my wish in it - that I wish to introduce lots of sweet beautiful old things, handmade things with love, like things you can find at grandma's, who has been always loving you.
And also things in shop are of course from Scandinavia, where I live - where there are so many beautiful creations.

But I also wished to make a name which is easy to pronounce for people from any part of the world and also Danish, where I live.

The shop is for Japanese people so the name is kept as it is. But my blog, there are people from not only Japan but also from Denmark and other places in the world. (I am so happy...thank you...

I love small beautiful things, lives, animals......something which makes my every day life little happier also on a rainy day.

A picture on top is my "lille du". It was taken right before I started my shop and diary. :-)


  1. this picture is so, so adorable.

    ps: i like the new name!

  2. What a sweet name - and picture with your baby boy fits perfectly for the impression "lille du"!

  3. Just the right name for your sweet blog! ^.^
    Oh I thought Gustav was a doll!
    Yes he is definitely "lille du"!

  4. What a sweet picture. a lovely boy, in his lovely home - fantastisk...

    Love Janet

  5. Thank you so much, everyone....♥♥♥♥♥♥
    I am soooo happy for all your comments...!
    Love, Megumi

    And I love the Blogs you are making...I have put them in my favorite Blog list ;-) ♥
