Hjælp Japan

Tak fordi du besøger min blog. Dansk Røde Kors har startet en indsamling til fordel for Japan. Mange børn har mistet deres forældre og mange mennesker har mistet alt. Ræk disse medmennesker en hånd og støt Dansk Røde Kors indsamling via dette link:

Kærlig hilsen Megumi


  1. Har tænkt meget på dig, dit land og hvad der mon stod på din blog de sidste par dage, nu skriver du på dansk og har fluks linket til dig og dansk røde kors på min egen blog, på værste dramatiske vis!

    1000 tanker herfra, det skal du ha <3

  2. Kæreste Megumi.

    Som Lea har jeg også tænkt meget på dig, dit land og den forfærdelige katastrofe! Har kigget på alle de fine japanske tegn og ville ønske jeg kunne forstå hvad du skrev. Jeg linker også fluks!!!

    Kærligste hilsner og tanker

    Sebastian hilser også!!

  3. Dear Megumi,
    When I see all the bad news I think about you and your family all the time. From the Netherlands we are also working with the Red Cross to raise money. And our country have send dogs for searching.
    I hope everything goes well with your Japanese family and of course all the other victims. What a horrible nightmare!
    We think of you and very very much strength.

  4. Hej Megumi

    Det er hermed gjort og har lavet et link på bloggen også.
    Så vi får spredt budskabet.
    Hilsner Vicki

  5. Hej Megumi. Budskabet sendes videre. Mange tanker til dig og dit land. Kh. Julia

  6. Tusind tusind tak....

    Thank you so much for your warm words and support.

    What has been happening now is beyond words..The damage is too big that Japan cannot recover by itself.

    Earthquake is still not stopped and nuclear crisis is going on, while fuel and food is not reaching to the eastern Japan, where it is snowing and people who lost children, parents, family, house, everything, are starting to starve to the edge.

    I cannot do much by myself in these sleepless nights. All I could do was to ask for your support on the Danish red cross donation.

    Thank you so much again for spreading the message.

    Love Megumi

  7. Dear Megumi, thank you so much for your words...
    I wish I could do more, I keep looking at the news and it seems that it gets worse and worse, I have tears in my eyes.
